Criminal Defense

Defending Against Cyber Crime Charges in California

As technology continues to be an integral part of our daily lives, it is important to know how to protect your personal information from a cyber attack. 

Common Cyber Crimes in California

The most common cyber crimes in California are:

  • Hacking: Hacking is when someone illegally accesses another person's computer system for personal gain. It includes activities such as running viruses, taking control of a computer system remotely, or accessing confidential data without permission.
  • Credit Card Theft: This involves stealing someone's personal information to make unauthorized purchases with their credit card. Credit card theft can be devastating as large purchases can increase your debt and alter your credit score. 
  • Identity Theft: This occurs when someone steals another person's identity and uses it for personal gain. Identity theft can include obtaining financial benefits or accessing restricted areas using another person's name or credentials.
  • Fraud: Fraud involves deception or using false information to get money or property from someone else without their knowledge or consent. This kind of crime is usually achieved through the internet using fake websites or fake profiles on social media sites, which can make it more difficult for victims to identify who is responsible for the fraudulent activity.
  • Child Pornography: Child pornography involves exploiting children through sexual images and videos distributed online. Child pornography is a serious crime that carries heavy penalties in California.
  • Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is when someone uses technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person repeatedly. It can involve sending offensive messages online or posting embarrassing photos without consent.
  • Internet Phishing: This is when someone attempts to get another individual's personal information by pretending to be a trustworthy source. Usually, this is done via email, but it can also be done through text and direct social media messages.
  • Creating or Distributing Computer Viruses: Viruses can destroy networks and computer systems. Creating and distributing computer viruses is a cybercrime that can lead to severe legal penalties, including fines and imprisonment.

Defending Against Cyber Crimes

When it comes to defending yourself against cybercrime charges in California, some of the most common defenses to consider are:

  • Accidental Access: You can use this defense to claim that the access to the computer or computer system was unintentional. This could be due to a glitch, a programming error, or easier access than was necessary.
  • Mistaken Identity: This defense requires you to prove you were not responsible for the crime because another individual accessed the system without permission.
  • Lack of Deceit or Fraud: False or negligent representation does not constitute an act of cybercrime in California. You can use this strategy to claim that you did not deceive or defraud anyone with access granted.
  • Consent: If another individual granted consent to use their computer system or data, consent can be used as a defense. You must prove that explicit consent was given for you to access the system.
  • Lack of Intent: If you gained access to a computer system without intending to deprive another individual of property or money, you could use this as a defense in court.

Challenging Evidence in Cyber Crime Cases

Another important factor in defending against cybercrime charges in California is challenging the evidence presented by the prosecution. Your attorney can do this by questioning whether or not the evidence was legally obtained. In many cases, evidence can be deemed inadmissible if it was not lawfully obtained. 

Additionally, questioning the accuracy of the evidence can be a critical step in your defense strategy. This involves examining how reliable and accurate the evidence is and whether or not it could be misinterpreted. Doing so can prevent overly negative conclusions from being drawn from ambiguous data.

Essential Considerations for Defending Against Cybercrime Charges

If you have been charged with cybercrime in California, hiring an experienced attorney will help you understand your situation to make the best possible decisions for your legal defense. Here are a few key considerations when defending against cybercrime charges in California:

  • Severity of the Crime: Depending on the seriousness of the cybercrime charges, different penalties may apply, and your defense strategy must reflect this. Generally, cybercrimes are considered felonies or misdemeanors depending on their severity and potential damages caused by the accusations.
  • State & Federal Laws: You should remember that state and federal laws can apply to cybercrime cases. In some cases, crimes may be prosecuted at both levels, making it essential to understand both regulations and how they might affect your case.
  • Evidence: You should consider any evidence related to the case. This could include digital records, testimonies from witnesses or experts in cybersecurity or other related fields, and more. Your attorney will help take stock of all available evidence and use this information as part of their defense strategy.

Speak with a San Diego Cyber Crimes Attorney Today for Help

If you are facing cybercrime charges in California, you should seek the help of an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Cybercrime charges in California can be incredibly serious and come with harsh penalties like jail time, fines, and the potential loss of certain rights.

The best way to get help defending yourself against cybercrime charges is to speak with a San Diego cyber crimes attorney immediately. The Law Office of Elliott Kanter can help you build a strong defense against cybercrime charges and protect your rights throughout the legal process. Contact us to get the legal representation you deserve today.

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